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Our mission is to support the advocacy efforts of CBIA and create a community of individuals dedicated to instilling confidence, fostering inspiration, and advancing professional opportunities for women in building.

CBIA PWB supports future leaders in the building industry by awarding scholarships and educational grants

Get involved with CBIA PWB legislative advocacy efforts and influence change

CBIA PWB supports future leaders in the building industry by awarding scholarships and educational grants

Get involved with CBIA PWB legislative advocacy efforts and influence change


The California Professional Women in Building (PWB) is a council within CBIA. Our national chapter is the National Association of Home Builders’ (NAHB) PWB, and our three local chapters: BIA Bay Area PWB, BIA Fresno/Madera PWB, and HBA of the Central Coast PWB.

CBIA PWB’s networking events, educational outreach, scholarship program, and award-winning legislative advocacy efforts are just a few of the many ways we support homebuilding and give back to our community.

Membership to this PWB council requires local BIA and/or CBIA membership and an $80 annual fee, which includes membership to NAHB PWB.

As our industry faces new challenges and opportunities, we encourage women and men in homebuilding and construction to join CBIA PWB’s cause of professional empowerment, leadership, and success in achieving “Housing For All”. Become a member of our council today.


CBIA PWB awards scholarships to students pursuing industry careers and certifications.

Our council is a proud supporter of the Donald Chaiken Building Industry Technology Academy (BITA) program. CBIA PWB members have raised thousands of dollars and volunteered numerous hours to help educate the next-gen workforce in this 4-year construction curriculum, provided at no cost to high schools by the California Homebuilding Foundation.

You can mentor a construction student today, volunteer in a classroom, host a jobsite visit or set up an internship for students interested in pursuing a career in the construction industry. Join the PWB in our Educational Outreach Committee initiative by contacting Mitu Walia at, Debb Long at or Jill Herman at today.

Learn More

Read our FAQ (frequently asked questions) page to learn more about the CBIA Professional women in Building and make sure to follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn for regular updates and announcements.

Have a question? Contact our council leaders.

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